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Common Queries

Rose 2

How many sessions will I need before I get better?

The number of sessions required is very specific to each individual and their presenting concerns. Depending on how often you attend therapy and how you define "better", it takes 8-10 weekly sessions on average for clients to notice visible improvements. However, consistency is key to getting the most out of therapy.

How much detail should I include when I speak in sessions?

That is entirely dependent on you and what you're comfortable with. With some clients, we strictly stay on topic in our sessions - while with other clients, I know the names and personal histories of every single friend and family member, including what they ate for lunch. I work with clients at their own pace, with the information they comfortably share with me.

Can I tell my friends / family / partners what we discuss in therapy?

You can, but it's helpful to consider how their reactions might affect your engagement with therapy. There is often a conflict of interest as well, especially if you're in therapy to navigate challenges in these very relationships. Ultimately, it's best to trust your judgement and make whatever choice best honours your journey of healing.

Are the sessions private and confidential?

Yes, client information (including the contents of all sessions) is kept strictly and completely confidential as per the provisions of the Mental Healthcare Act (2017) passed by the Indian Government.

What is your theoretical orientation?

You can find details of my therapeutic approach here.

Do you offer sliding scale rates?

No, I don't offer sliding scale rates.

How long does each therapy session take?

Currently, I provide sessions for 60 minutes. Clients can also book multiple sessions back to back if they require a longer time window.

Can’t find the answer to your question? Contact me today and I’ll get back to you.

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